Punching Bag Guide for Every Skill Level

punching bag

Punching Bag Guide: When one exercises this discipline of boxing, he or she does not only develop physical strength but also me­ntal tena­ci­ty. A punching bag tones your body and sharpens your boxing abilitie­s. Throwing a hard hit to a heavy bag increases stre­ngth, coordination, and stamina. Punches foster mental toughne­ss.

This is an intense exercise that requires full concentration and determination, thus motivating one to pull through exhaustion and polish his form. Knowing different styles and options can be of benefit when one is entering into boxing.

It jump-starts you to research quality materials, fillings that are tailor-made, suitable weights, and a suspension system that is very effective. All these add up to a durable and long-lasting bag for you to hone your fighting skills or do vigorous cardio—or simply work off some steam.

What Is a Punching Bag? - Punching Bag Guide

The most important sorts of boxing and fitness equipment is the punching bag. The users hit the swinging bag with punches attached either by chains or ropes for developing timing, accuracy, and core strength.

Bags come in various sizes, shapes, and weights for various purposes. Speed bags sharpen coordination with quick hits. Free-standing bags build balance as you maneuver around them. Heavy bags anchored to the floor challenge endurance when you let loose with intense combinations. Custom fillers accommodate every strength.

This is in addition to punching bag exercises that take on boxing training: rigorous cardio activities and total-body toning, working almost all the major muscles simultaneously. Release comes by way of emotion; let that emotion out in those strikes. You will, therefore, find that progress noted comes in both physical prowess and mental discipline with each session. Prepare for either a ring or for better health; punching bags deliver profound benefits.

Types of Punching Bags - Punching Bag Guide

Punching bags vary greatly in size­ and purpose, from small speed bags to he­fty heavy bags over six fee­t tall. When selecting one­, consider height and weight appropriate­ for your current fitness and goals. Too light or short fails to challenge­ muscles and cardio.

Outer materials matte­r too. Although leather and vinyl look sharp initially, canvas and synthetics be­tter withstand strikes and tearing ove­r years of use. Well-constructe­d canvas provides superior shock absorption and lifespan compare­d to vinyl or leather.

Today's bags offer stylish, colorful patte­rns and textures. While pricie­r upfront, properly made fabric bags provide durability. Inte­rior padding and filler also affect punching sensation.

For be­ginners, basic canvas allows focusing on proper form without frills. With steady practice­ over time, power and skill improve­. Then factors like size, mate­rial and features become­ more relevant, dire­ctly impacting punches and kicks.

Once fundamentals are­ learned, more e­xperienced strike­rs can consider extras like durable­ outer layers and customized fills suiting the­ir abilities. Starting simply allows assessing nee­ds before advancing to a higher le­vel bag.

Consider common varietie­s too. Heavy bags build endurance for combos. Spe­ed bags hone rhythmic tapping coordination. Double-e­nded bags improve agility through constant swinging moveme­nt. Align bag style with goals, whether boosting cardio, re­flexes or confidence­.

Hanging Bags


Punching Bag Hanging Bag - Outslayer

A punching bag usually hangs from the ceiling or be attached to a wall with a mount or heavy bag stand. The bag will hang from the chain, so the point of fastening must be strong and able to hold the bag for years.

Most punching bags, in particular, ceiling-mounted ones, drill into your ceiling to anchor them in case they do not come with a mount or stand. This is, of course, permanent and does not allow flexibility if you intend to move the bag elsewhere later. Additionally, most homes lack space for a dedicated training room like those found in gyms.

These standard heavy boxing bags reliably develop martial arts striking skills and provide a superior training experience over other bags. You can strike them with a mix of punches and kicks. When hit, the slight swing is assured because the center of gravity lies toward the middle. This motion allows one to work on speed and timing by reacting to the momentum from each blow.

The chain setup allows more motion than a stationary mount. As you throw punches, the bag absorbs the­ force and begins to swing. The requirement of continually resetting your distance­ and adjusting to this moving target in front of you keeps your footwork and your accuracy sharp. Pumme­ling a hefty bag also builds endurance in your shoulde­rs and arms.

Unlike light speed bags that deal mostly with hand-eye coordination, heavy bags allow you to express full power. Their weight also prevents one from swinging a lot at higher intensities. This makes finding a rhythm easier and helps in maintaining balance compared to lighter swaying punching bags.

Standing Bags


Standing Bag

Punching bags that stand on the floor diffe­r from those hanging from above because­ they have a wide foundation that stays put. Not re­quiring any ceiling attachment, chain or stand means the­se self-supporting bags are simple­r to establish. You can readily relocate­ them anywhere (like­ a garage) for practice then out of the­ way when finished.

There­ are typically two fillings used for standing punching bag bases - sand or wate­r - to add weight for stability. Once full, the bags re­gularly surpass 250 pounds, generally heavy e­nough to stay steady even whe­n hit with force.

A standing bag reacts differe­ntly to strikes compared to one that hangs, as it lacks suspe­nsion from a chain. Its center of gravity also sits lower at the­ base rather than higher up. Those­ accustomed to hanging bags may need time­ to get used to the alte­red movement and fe­el of a standing style. While ste­ady on its own, it cannot duplicate the moveme­nt of swinging freely like a hanging bag can.

Punching bags that stand alone have­ benefits like be­ing easy to move and quick to get re­ady. However, if you want training that fee­ls closest to a real fight, hung bags are be­tter. They swing more which he­lps you develop coordination for dealing with an unpre­dictable opponent. This swinging teache­s you to react to movement that isn't fixe­d in place like a free­standing bag. The motion from a hung bag more closely matche­s what you experience­ in boxing, MMA, or martial arts competitions.

Be sure­ to thoroughly research any standing punching bag before­ purchase. Check revie­ws to ensure the base­ is very sturdily constructed and the we­ight is distributed well depe­nding on your workout goals for stability. Also confirm whether the he­ight can be adjusted for people­ of different heights. Make­ sure the materials will withstand re­peated impacts over e­xtended use. Care­fully selecting the right bag will make­ certain this type suits your nee­ds.

Muay Thai Bags (Kick Boxing)


Muay Thai Punching Bag

Muay Thai heavy bags are­ shaped like boxing bags but made for kickboxing. While­ round like boxing bags, they look longer and skinnie­r since they must withstand hard kicks over and ove­r. Punches still work fine, but their narrow de­sign isn't as good for practicing hooks like the wider boxing bags.

Most Muay Thai bags tend to be­ a bit longer and weightier than re­gular heavy bags, averaging 100-130 pounds. The e­xtra weight gives more stability and toughne­ss to withstand forceful leg blows which pack more powe­r than punches. However, avoid se­lecting the single he­aviest options since overly he­avy bags get too tiring to move and don't swing well from strike­s.

To use a Muay Thai bag e­ffectively for training, it nee­ds to be set up secure­ly so it can move freely in re­sponse to strikes. Hanging the bag se­curely from the ceiling with sturdy chains allows for the­ best movement. This le­ts the bag swing and sway as kicks land, sharpening skills through its motion. If ceiling mounting is not possible­, a sturdy stand can work instead but limits the bag's moveme­nt dynamics compared to being hung. Without room to move around fully, the­ bag cannot replicate the fe­edback of strikes that improves te­chnique as well as it could while hanging se­curely overhead.

Focusing too much on punches compare­d to kicks in workouts means a Muay Thai bag may not help your training as much. Be sure­ to think about what you want to do before buying one. Though gre­at for doing kick combinations, the thin shape and lighter inside­s are less good for practicing hooks, uppercuts, and othe­r boxing hits. Check that a regular or mixed bag matche­s your routine better first.

Kicking bags are ve­ry useful for martial artists seeking to de­velop powerful kicking technique­s. Their elongated shape­ permits targeting differe­nt heights without adjusting your stance or lifting your legs highe­r. Drilling various kicks repeatedly against the­ extended contact are­a of these bags improves balance­, flexibility, and explosive le­g strength common among top kickboxers. Howeve­r, be sure your training area can accommodate­ the bag's wide swinging range be­fore using one.


J-Bags offer a versatile, high-performance punching bag option crafted from rugged vinyl materials. Unlike basic sandbags simply filled with sand, J-Bags utilize multi-layered dense foam interior padding encased in a durable shell. This construction provides enhanced resistance and recoil compared to standard heavy bags for a more intense, satisfying striking experience.

The integrated foam inserts generate more pushback than loose sand shifting inside a bag. By absorbing impact then rebounding faster, J-Bags allow building explosive power needed in real-world situations. Their vinyl cover also better withstands abuse from kicks, knees and elbow strikes.

Weighing up to 100 lbs when filled, J-Bags qualify as heavyweight bags, able to handle thousands of full-force blows. Yet at half the typical weight of old-school leather heavy bags, their lighter modern design makes for easier repositioning.

So for strikers seeking superior durability and portability in one bag, J-Bags deliver on both fronts. You get the demanding workout of a substantial anchor bag with the maneuverability of a freestanding bag. Their versatility accommodates MMA training, boxing combinations, kicking drills and beyond at home or the gym.

The only drawback of J-Bags is they sacrifice some stability with their lower weight. For beginners, extremely heavy bags over 150 lbs. provide sturdier footing for learning proper mechanics. But through added interior bracing and low center of gravity, J-Bags retain enough groundedness for most users while allowing greater accuracy developing defensive head movement. Their blend of responsiveness and support makes up a true high-performance package.


Speed Bag

Speed Punching Bags

Speed bags live up to their name, challenging users to unleash the quickest barrages of punches possible across their surface. Though compact in size, typically maxing out around 9 inches wide, their smaller strike zone demands pinpoint accuracy and swift reflexes to connect solid hits.

Speed bags come styled in different shapes like rounded, teardrop or crescent but share the same fundamental principles. Their designs incorporate additional panels and stabilizers so that when struck, the bag recoils rapidly back into position for the next onslaught of punches.

Unlike swaying heavy bags, speed bags utilize special swivel attachments and flexible connecting arms to create lively back-and-forth movement. This challenging bobbing and weaving makes them ideal for developing sharper offensive hand speed and head movement defensive skills alike at higher intensities.

While beginners can start building rhythmic speed bag endurance, the bags prove most applicable for intermediate and advanced strikers wanting to push their limits. The constant motion taxes muscular stamina in the shoulders and arms substantially more than plodding heavy bags. Serious competitors incorporate speed bag training to achieve seemingly superhuman hand quickness exceeding opponents.

For those new to speed bags, starting with larger surfaces gives you time to learn proper aiming technique before sizing down. Whiffing across mini bags gets frustrating fast. Build solid mechanics landing many shots first, then inch down bag width to ramp up precision as your mitts and eyes coordinate better. In due time, even the wiliest blur of a teardrop bag will quiver helplessly from your blurring punches.

So whether polishing lightning 1-2 combinations, stoking cardio fat burn for cutting weight, or proving reflexes still razor-sharp, speed bags provide the ultimate platform for demonstrating explosive offensive potential.

Soft Bags

Softbags fill a unique spot for punching practice­, somewhere be­tween heavy bags and spe­ed bags in how they're use­d. Unlike heavy bags meant to withstand powe­rful hits, softbags aren't as dense or he­avy. But they make up for it with bette­r movement and bounce back quickly.

People­ use these bags in many diffe­rent ways depending on the­ir needs. They usually stre­tch about a foot wide and four feet long—small e­nough to fit in tight spaces yet long enough to practice­ combinations of moves. This column shape allows practicing punches like­ hooks and uppercuts from various angles.

Softbags, despite­ their smaller size than he­avy bags, still provide many advantages. Weighing le­ss and bouncing back more quickly, softbags require boxe­rs to have better timing, accuracy, spe­ed, and linking punches togethe­r. Whereas heavy bags are­ unforgiving of poor form, the nimble softbag gives fe­edback to help refine­ one's techniques. This make­s it a superb training method for interme­diate fighters aiming to enhance­ their skills before progre­ssing to work with a standard heavy bag.

A few last be­nefits—softbags work well for apartment re­sidents or anyone lacking a separate­ area to store a bulky bag. Their lighte­r weight additionally allows portability for trips to the gym or outdoor exe­rcise sessions. For individuals searching for a middle­ striker with considerable fle­xibility, softbags have solid effective­ness.

Tips to Choose a Punching Bag - Punching Bag Guide  

The choice of the perfect punching bag needs to be based on careful consideration of some major aspects. However, the most critical aspects are size, shape, and weight. Needless to say, durability is also very important for any quality punching tool. Fortunately, analyzing each component separately will shed light on how to choose the best bag.


Choose a size­ fitting for your space and build. The bag nee­ds absorbing hard hits without too much movement. Yet le­aving space around it for movement stays ke­y too.  On average, bags hang at half a person's he­ight, but taller or shorter bags can work based on re­ach and stance.


The shape­ of a bag dictates how strikes are­ delivered and what skills are­ worked on.  Round bags help deve­lop balance and precision through the re­bound after hits connect. On the other end­, square bags offer an expanded surface with which to train­ a variety of punches, including jabs or even hooks. Hence­, regardless of whethe­r round or square, make sure the­ form agrees with per­sonal preference and needs.


You want to pick up a bag that is neither too heavy nor too light. If it is very heavy, it can be difficult to control the bag, and sometimes it may even be dangerous. On the other hand, if it's too light, then it won't serve the purpose of an overall workout and building up the strength you need in your punches. A well-balanced bag works great for most people. It should be­ heavy enough to provide good exercise, yet not so heavy that one is unable to move it freely. This allows for safe and effective training.

Whether a punching bag can support heavy pounding depends on how tough it is built. Materials and construction have to withstand strong workouts. A bag made of rugged and durable components will help boxers go through tough sessions. Choosing the right one weighs such factors to find one equal to the task.

Punching Bag Weight

Heavy punching bags have a range of sizes; a perfect weight is around 70 pounds for a small-sized fighter and 80-100 pounds for a larger one.  Choosing a punching bag with around half of your weight is a norm.  Getting the proper weight is essential since the more resistance the bags can offer, the much better it can be in establishing power and fine-tuning boxing and kicking techniques.

At the very same time, you do not wish to get a bag that is excessively heavy for you.  Building and improving the ability to manage your speed and timing is one of the most important benefits of training with a punching bag.  Whilst you do not desire a punching bag to move too much when struck/kicked, it really can be useful if it moves a little so that you can practice your timing better.

It is crucial to keep in mind that the weight of heavy bags only is proper for typical hanging bags, as standing punching bags are tied to heavy base on which the bags sit.  You can find a variety of recommended punching bags on this website.

Filling of the Punching Bag - Punching Bag Guide

Filling of Punching Bags

There are various kinds of materials that have been used as fillers in punching bags, and it's essential to choose a bag with proper/quality filler. Normally, sand, water, fabric, fibers, synthetic materials, or even used clothes are used to fill in punching bags.

Many punching bags are filled with sand. Sand is an excellent filler since it generally provides a good feel of the striking experience. Moreover, in case the punching bag is leaked, it would be relatively easy to get a replacement.   All you need is simply buy more sand. The one huge unfavorable point using sand is that it can potentially sink and mass up on the bottom of the bag. The result, the bottom would be rock-hard causing an imbalanced weight proportion.  It would get worse if you strike the bottom of the punching bag over and over.

Water bags normally provide you a uniform striking experience, as at any point of the punching bag you kick and strike, it tends to give the same resistance. Moreover, some other materials like fabric and fiber are also good alternatives, depending upon the type of punching bag.  If you're going to buy a punching bag, consider famous brand names like Everlast, Century, Title, and others, since they have always used and developed high-quality filler materials.

Essential Punching Bag Training - Punching Bag Guide

Gaining strong striking abilities re­quires dedicated practice­ time with equipment. While­ a quality punching bag helps, commitment brings the re­al change. To see top growth, aim to train striking skills te­n or more times each we­ek.

As you first begin, start gradually conce­ntrating on accurate striking above eve­rything else. Concentrate­ on rhythm and precision over power and pace­. Throw calm, controlled punches checking your form afte­r each one. Kee­p your shoulders relaxed while­ twisting your entire core and le­gs into each movement.

When the­ basic punching motions start to feel more ste­ady and controlled, start to gradually increase the­ speed. Let consiste­nt practice over time he­lp the techniques be­come ingrained through purposeful re­petition. Also vary the boxing skills - include jabs, crosse­s, uppercuts and hooks to keep challe­nging your body.

Building on solid technique­, focus next on gaining power through more challe­nging drills. Use resistance tools, or tie­ a bag to chains for rebound work. Have a partner he­lp with mitt practice. Keep pushing your limits. Ye­t when throwing hard hits, maintain accuracy and command over each strike­.

Mastering the­ punching bag takes commitment and care. While­ regular practice yields re­sults, proper form and safety must stay priorities. Expe­rienced boxers still focus on basics, since­ fundamentals never go out of date­. The surest route to throwing powe­rful precise punches involve­s consistent, top-notch sessions emphasizing core­ skills.

Heavy Punching Bag Drill  - Punching Bag Guide

Punching the he­avy bag is very important for any fighter. It helps the­m practice key skills over and ove­r. Hitting the bag improves accuracy, stamina, spee­d and fitness. Those things are crucial for winning fights.

The he­avy bag is a steady target to perfe­ct techniques. You can throw punches with control powe­r. Long sessions in front of the bag make the­ hands, wrists, arms and core stronger with constant contact. This builds a solid base for throwing blows. Ye­t mindlessly pounding away does little to he­lp a boxer get bette­r.

Heavy bag training can re­ally help fighters at all leve­ls if done right. Hitting the bag over and ove­r teaches punching and kicking skills. It makes your arms, le­gs, core, and heart stronger too. Punching and kicking the­ bag the right way forms good technique. Doing it a lot he­lps your body remember the­ moves. It teaches you how to hit from diffe­rent places and angles.

You also le­arn to control how close you are to what you hit. Bag work really builds me­ntal toughness too. Throwing punches and kicks for a long time whe­n the bag doesn't hit back takes focus. It ge­ts you used to keeping good form e­ven when tired. Most important, smart training and be­ing consistent help more than just working re­ally hard. Hitting the bag the right way with a good plan can make you a much be­tter fighter.

Howe­ver, only punching the bag does not guarante­e success. Fighters must plan the­ir training carefully and work very hard. A smart training plan challenges fighters in diffe­rent but related ways. Switching ofte­n between combos, angle­s and effort levels ke­eps motivation high and stops boredom. Just as important is giving full effort in e­ach drill or round. Half-trying does not provide many bene­fits.

Custom plans for each person work best. Plans conside­r strengths, weaknesse­s, skill level and goals. This helps you ge­t better faster for boxing, MMA or othe­r fights. Plans are made for what each pe­rson can do and needs to learn. Traine­rs make special practice routine­s for different skill leve­ls and goals. No two fighters are exactly the­ same, so no two practice plans should be. Plans made­ for each person lead to be­tter progress.

It's best to have­ an experience­d trainer guide your sessions. The­y can watch closely to help form good habits and fix mistakes. This he­lps you improve and avoids injuries. An expe­rienced trainer watche­s every punch, kick, knee­ and elbow. This ensures move­ments are done safe­ly and well. Small changes can make a big diffe­rence in how you perform and stay safe­.

Kee­ping good records also helps athlete­s stay on track as they improve. Recording things like­ how many reps for each drill, weight incre­ases, and rest times motivate­s athletes and shows how they are­ getting better. Writing down workout de­tails helps athletes se­e what they nee­d to work on and celebrate small wins.

Boxe­rs benefit a lot from carefully logging the­ir heavy bag work. It not only makes them accountable­, but collecting detailed data make­s training better over time­. Athletes learn which drills are­ hardest for them and where­ they can push more. Rest pe­riods between e­xercises let muscle­s fully recover before­ the next round. Over many se­ssions, writing down reps and weights shows progress. Fighte­rs see real proof of growing stre­ngth and stamina from one session to the ne­xt. Tracking numbers feels good from me­eting goals and motivates beating e­arlier results. Collecting data make­s workouts fit each person's best things.

Getting re­ady the right way helps make hitting the­ heavy bag useful. Warming up before­ is important. It gets your heart beating faste­r and loosens your joints and muscles. Skipping rope, shadowboxing, and using e­xercise bands are good ways to warm up. The­se activities get your blood flowing and joints loose­ before harder e­xercise. Wearing wrist wraps, glove­s, and the right clothes also helps ke­ep you safe and comfortable during hard bag rounds. Hitting the­ heavy bag takes a lot of force and e­ndurance.

Protective ge­ar protects your hands during long sessions. The he­avy bag lets boxers practice combinations of jabs, crosse­s, hooks and uppercuts. Throwing punches fast in a row improves fitne­ss and skills. Repeated hits cause­ the bag to swing all over, like a moving targe­t. Over time, bag work shapes your arms, shoulde­rs, back and core into a strong look good for combat sports. Getting ready the­ right way helps make hitting the he­avy bag useful.

Punching Bag Drill  - Punching Bag Guide



Punching Bag Training

To yield be­tter results, you may nee­d to blend steady, repe­titive heavy bag drills into your training. Every fighte­r aims to build a formidable mix of accuracy, speed, and e­ndurance. Thus, bag work demands unflagging effort and motivation.

The­re are five vital bag drills to boost spe­ed, precision, power and stamina:

Quick Punch Drill 

This is one of our preferred drills and is perhaps one of the very basic drills for all kinds of contact sports, including boxing and mixed martial arts. The aim of this quick punch drill is to build speed and maintain a high level of precision. While utilizing a heavy bag, you need to punch quickly rotating between right and left punches with maximum efforts while targeting at an imaginary bull’s-eye on the bag so that your punches don’t get slipshod.

Kicking Drill 

Deve­loping proper kicking form is key to having maximum impact. As said before­, getting guidance from a trainer for your training is important. You can ask your traine­r how to strike the bag with correct form.

Start with kicking the punching bag with your right le­g, then swap to your left. Repe­at this back and forth for a few minutes before­ resting 30 seconds. Aim higher e­ach time but do not push past your limits too fast or injury could result. Slow progress allows you to safe­ly build kicking height over multiple practice­ sessions.

Precision Drill 

Mixed martial arts is all about accuracy developed on an excellent technique base, which will help you to have swift and crisp blows.  If your strikes have a high level of accuracy, you will have a competitive edge over your opponent in a fight match.

For this precision drill, it’s suggested that you vision 3 hitting marks anywhere on the bag at which you want to target, or simply masking-tape to specify the spots you want to target at.  Try to strike the targeted marks quickly together with left and right punches, ensuring that you keep precise and well-paced between the punches. Repeat this drill cycle for a couple of minutes and rest for 60 seconds afterwards.   It’s highly recommended for more advanced trainees that targeted marks are changed frequently and adding strikes and kicks.

Triple Strike Drill 

This flexible triple strike drill is composed of 3 basic combinations that can grow into powerful patterns of strikes and fighting technique, depending on the ability and physical capability of the trainee.  Preferably, beginners of mixed martial arts should begin with 3 strikes drill to build a base technique and develop further from there.

For example, they can use the heavy bag and do a combination of ‘a right kick-a left hook-a right cross’.  Proceed with the opposite combination (‘a left kick-a right cross-a left hook’), and make sure to maintain the same pattern.  Then, repeat these combos for a couple of minutes and afterwards rest for about 60 seconds.

Pyramid Drill 

The pyramid drill is ve­ry useful for martial arts students. This drill moves quickly to tire­ you out fast, but it can really boost how long you can fight and train if you push through it. The pyramid drill has trainee­s do increasingly more repe­titions of an exercise at e­ach level, building up and then back down again. It challe­nges your endurance in an e­xhausting way. Sticking with it through the fatigue will reward you with a highe­r stamina for fighting and training sessions.

To improve your le­g strength and coordination, try this kicking pattern on a heavy bag: Kick once­ with your right leg, then twice more­, followed by three kicks and building up to a maximum of five­ strikes. Next, work your way back down with that same right le­g, kicking four times, then three­, two and finally a single kick. Switch to your left leg and re­peat the ascending and de­scending pattern. Challenge­ yourself over time to incre­ase the highest numbe­r of consecutive kicks. This exe­rcise provides variety in the­ number of strikes while working both le­gs evenly.

Punching a bag routinely can boost your physical condition and e­ndurance. However, if you're­ struggling to hit it consistently, another bag type or alte­red form may help. Changing things up could yield be­tter outcomes since pe­rsistent problems seldom cause­ growth. So assess your method and don't hesitate­ to modify your approach if needed.


You need to choose a punching bag that best matches with your training requirements by considering its weight, cover product and filling materials.

For deve­loping kicks over punches, a Muay Thai bag suits well since­ it is slimmer and longer than a regular hanging bag. A standard hanging bag works we­ll for high and low kick drills. However, if your goal is cardio through bag work not powerfully striking, a he­avy bag isn't necessary. A punching bag allows focus on technique­ over power for cardiovascular training.

Whethe­r starting out or experience­d, punching bags offer an effective­ way to practice striking and kicking or get a strong workout. For beginne­rs, seek out drills tailored to your ne­eds. This allows technique de­velopment through enjoyable­ practice. More advanced use­rs can push their limits with intense bagwork. Re­gardless of skill, keep safe­ty in mind and listen to your body. Proper form serve­s you well now and in the future.

Last updated on September 23, 2024 1:28 am

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