Fight Ball Reflex | Sportixx | Boxing - MMA Trainer
List Price: $ 39.99
Price: [wpramaprice asin="B071GRSG96"]

Product Features
- Improves reaction time, accuracy , eye hand coordination and punch speed.
- Compact: the reflex tennis boxing ball headband is very compact and light weight. Take it with you and use it everywhere (gym, home, office, outdoor, ...).
- Good for your health: exercising is good for your body and mind. Perfect training workout tool for many muscle groups.
- Combat and Fighting Sports: Boxing, MMA, Combat, Mixed Martial Arts MMA, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Taekwondo, Lethwei, Burmese, ...
Product Description
This boxing reflex tennis ball is perfect to improve you hand eye coordination for you MMA fight. The Sportixx Fight Ball is a hard PU rubber tennisball on a string. You have to place the headband around you head and punch the fighting ball.
[wpramareviews asin="B071GRSG96"]