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When Muay Thai Goes Wrong

by Jeff Woo

When Muay Thai goes wrong! This martial art has it's origins in Thailand & many sports enthusiasts perform it. But it doesn't always end well for the practitioners in the ring.

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What is it?
Muay Thai is also known as ‘the art of eight limbs’, or the ‘science of eight limbs’. Practitioners use eight points of contact. The whole body operates as a unit. The system coupled with highly effective clinching techniques as well as an intense conditioning regime makes Muay Thai something to be reckoned with in the world of martial arts. It was initially designed as a practical system to use. It outgrew its initial design and gained international fame in the twentieth century. Nowadays Muay Thai is widely spread.
4: Shock to the System
Regardless the type of sport, it’s safe to say that cutting down to make weight is a universally-dreaded process. For 19-year-old Jordan Coe, Muay Thai was his passion and his love for the sport took him to Thailand. Originally from Maddiston, near Falkirk, Scotland, Coe who was known in the ring as Jordan Lamnammoon Muay Thai, was trying to drop down to 134 pounds. According to his trainer, in order to shed the remaining weight, Coe would run while wearing heavy gear.
Where is located?
As the name suggests, Muay Thai originated in Thailand, where it’s been a national sport since the 19th century. King Chulalonkorn rose to the throne in 1868 and he had a personal interest in Muay Thai. His reign ushered in a golden age for the country and the sport, which began taking its first steps towards modernization. Muay Thai eventually spread beyond the borders of its homeland and today it’s widely considered to be one of the most effective martial arts, with thousands of gyms worldwide. A Muay Thai practitioner is known as a ‘nak muay’ while foreign practitioners are sometimes referred to as ‘Nak Muay Farang’, which translates as ‘foreign boxer’.
3: Cardio
In an amateur celebrity Muay Thai bout a professional bodybuilder named Pradip Subramanian squared off in Singapore against YouTube star and former Singapore idol contestant, Steven Lim. Subramanian stepped in as a replacement for Lim’s initial opponent, who couldn’t compete due to insurance complications. All the participants had had a medical check-up prior to it. One theory is that, as a bodybuilder, he wasn’t accustomed to the high level of cardio needed.
King Rama VII, who reigned between 1925 and 1935, continued the modernization of Muay Thai that began in the 19th century. However, rope binding over the hands was still used between Thais. The rope binding, called Kaad Chuek, hardened the hands and knots were tied over the knuckles. Around the same time that modern gloves were introduced, the name Muay Thai gained traction while the style’s older form became known as Muay Boran. Following the victory, the Burmese King Mangra organized a week-long festival.
2: Split Lip
Robbie Lawler and Rory MacDonald faced each other at UFC 189 for the welterweight championship. As Lawler gave his winning interview inside the Octagon those present in attendance and viewers from around the world could see that his upper lip was split. UFC President Dana White described it in an interview saying ‘he would talk and this part of the lip would move and the other part wouldn’t'.
Muay Thai is a beautiful sport that can bring many benefits to a person’s life including discipline, an overall improvement of health, increasing ones self-confidence and many others. Nevertheless, it’s not without risks. If you’re a beginner, even before you start training, it’s very important you consult a doctor, preferably one with experience. Training for Thai’s often begins as young as six, and, because of the intensity of the sport, most of them have short careers. If you plan on doing it professionally then the best hope, as obvious as it may sound, is being faithful to your training.
1: Fracture
Jeremy from France, took an elbow from his Thai opponent. It caused a fracture basically in the form of a hole in the middle of his forehead. A true testament to the toughness, Jeremy didn’t even feel dizzy and even kept going. His fracture was fixed with a titanium plate.

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